Blackheads Remover And Treatment for Acne

Blackheads Remover And Treatment for Acne

The Days Before Dr. Pierre

Before Dr. Pierre, you've never heard of blackheads remover and treatment for acne products. Every other skincare manufacturers and brand owners simply make and sell the usual line of skincare products (like cleansers, acne soap cleanser, toners, day creams, night creams, masks) out of Free standard formulas obtained from their raw materials vendors. Nothing was uniquely made to address the problems of ugly blackhead manifestations on everyone's skin. Facial cleansers that are used twice daily not only DO NOT cleanse effectively, they even leave heavy wax deposits to clog the pores. Treatment for Acne is only by anti-biotics.

Negative Effect of Soap Cleansers and Anti-biotics

Some manufacturers believe that blackheads can be removed with foamy (soap) cleansers, but what Dr. Pierre discovered is, soap cleansers even made blackheads more stubborn. Acne Cleanser available is just soaps containing anti-biotics ingredients that render blackhead removal more difficult. Treatment for acne using antibiotics (oral or topical) would only cause the Acne Bacterial genes to mutate and become immune to anti-biotics!

Choose Dr. Pierre OR Painful Squeezing!

Thus, without Dr. Pierre's Blackheads Remover the only way to rid your blackheads was to endure those painful squeezing and suction torture sessions at salons, leaving permanent red inflamed bumps and scarring. It's still in practice today by most salons. Treatment for acne today still relies heavily on prescribed anti-biotics by dermatologists despite the established and known risks.

With Dr. Pierre's Blackheads Remover, blackhead removal to achieve a Clean Clear Clogged-free Radiant baby-soft complexion is a breeze, and with No Squeezing, No Pain, No Tears, No Swelling, and No Scarring within 7 minutes!

It serves as an excellent deep cleansing treatment for acne too!


BUY 91S ClearPore Serum (V3 Blackheads Remover) NOW!


Why Dr. Pierre managed to develop Wondergel while others couldn't


Dr. Pierre started his research on his unique blackheads remover by first analyzing how blackheads are formed.

Read Dr. Pierre's article on Blackheads Here

Blackheads on Nose

Comedones Bef Blackheads Remover And Treatment For Acne

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Unique formula to dissolve blackheads

Having understood the formation of blackheads and how waxes in creams are contributing to blackheads, Dr. Pierre developed the world's first blackheads remover without any wax content.

Dr. Pierre's blackheads remover was an instant success.

91S ClearPore Serum Blackheads Remover cum Acne Cleanser

Dr. Pierre Wondergel Blackheads Remover is now known as the #17 Ginseng Exfoliating Gel. Dr. Pierre now has another new Blackheads Remover called #91S ClearPore Serum. While Ginseng Exfoliating Gel works great for exfoliating dead cells, the new Blackheads Remover (#91S ClearPore Serum) works better for deeply embedded stubborn blackheads and as a great treatment for acne deep cleanser too. When both the Ginseng Exfoliating Gel and ClearPore Serum Blackheads Remover are used on alternate evenings, the result is just amazing!