Blackheads pores

Blackhead pores

Blackheads especially appear in adolescence and the beginning of adulthood. Be visible on the surface of the skin. We distinguish between open and closed blackheads. Blackheads are small buttons that contain a fatty substance, known as black spots where their head is black.

Blackhead pores-purify the skin

A good and firm texture is not earned in advance, and since the tropical season returns, we must first free our pores. Most often it is a profession that requires exposure to chronic ultraviolet radiation (sailors, farmers ...) Cause the appearance of blackheads. The area around pilgrims and temples is the most affected. Tobacco is considered a factor that aggravates blackheads.

Rid of black spots prepare a mask with two large of cornflour (or oatmeal) mixed with scrambled eggs. Apply on face. Let it rest for a moment and then wipe with a dry cloth. Rinse your face with rose water. Dab gently with a towel to dry. 

Forget about black spots, your skin is bright and soft! There are different types of funds for acne, but nothing compared to home care. Home remedies for acne are natural, plant, mineral, fruit, herbal. You can buy fresh or frozen vegetables and herbs. Some herbs on the valves include almond oil, aloe, arnica, Raspberry bark, etc.

Pores of blackheads-herbal blend

Herbs play an important role in the prevention and treatment of acne. So you can eat herbs, even if you are on a diet, or after your diet program. A good herbal mixture should consist of equal parts of plant extracts of the yellow aquarium, burdock, and machetes. 

These herbs are powerful lymphatic and blood vessels containing detergents. If you take half a teaspoon three times a day regardless of a healthy diet, you'll not only enjoy skin healthy but also prevent the appearance of acne. Some of the most common drugs are tea tree oil that is applied to acne lesions or fennel flower to kill bacteria.

Pores of blackheads-chemical compounds

Apart from the natural diet and the use or ingestion of herbs, you can replace baking powder, effectively to fight acne. Know baking soda also known as sodium bicarbonate. Usually, it is a soft powder, designed for sour foods. You can buy it at any grocery store. 

The reaction with the acid produces sodium bicarbonate water and carbon dioxide. Sodium bicarbonate works in two different ways namely: exfoliating agent: acne can dominate anytime, anywhere and the reason for its occurrence is the clogging of the hair follicles. 

If your hair is then clogged, the sebaceous glands begin to produce sebum continuously, which leads to the rupture of the hair follicle. If a bump appears on your skin with grease in it is still like a known white head, but if it is a bump that comes from the skin it is known as a blackhead. Neutralizing acid: fungal or bacterial infections are also one of the main causes of acne. Baking powder in the form of sodium bicarbonate will contribute to harmful bacteria in the cells.