Can blackheads be treated?

Can blackheads be treated?

Many people wonder if blackheads can be cured. Is it possible? Find out the facts that celebrities and models know — it's surprisingly straightforward.

If you have blackheads, you are probably curious if it is possible to treat blackheads. The answer is yes and no. Occur blackheads due to excess fat in the pores of the skin. Excess oil can be the result of puberty when hormones produce increased dihydrotestosterone or dihydrotestosterone. The DHT hormone stimulates the sebaceous glands of the skin that produce excess oil. This excess oil clogs the pores due to exposure to air becomes black or yellow cause B does not cheat.

If your skin is not washed regularly, dead skin cells may not be removed, and these too will allow the oil to clog the pores. Regular washing removes dead skin cells and allows pores to open. Leaving makeup overnight will clog the pores of the skin, trapping natural oil and causing blackheads to appear.

Washing with warm soapy water and a soft towel will remove dead skin cells allowing your skin pores to stay open and natural oils pass into your skin. Effective skincare in conjunction with regular washing with soapy water will help reduce the number of blackheads to a minimum.

Periodic exfoliation treatments with either a home-based or over-the-counter lotion will reduce dead skin cells. Peeling results in the "glowing skin" advertised by many lotions. The skin shines because dead skin cells have been removed.

Can blackheads be treated? Actually, the answer is no. As long as your body produces excess oil, you will have a chance to get blackheads. Can blackheads be reduced? The answer is yes. If you keep your skin pores open by taking care of them regularly, the oils that cause blackheads can travel to the surface of the skin and blackheads will not appear.

Some people's skin may need more care than others. May need one person to wash only once a day. The other may need to be washed two or three times a day. The trick is to find what your skin needs to keep pores open. Once you know what your skin needs, stick to the schedule. Remember that open pores are happy pores and happy pores do not produce blackheads!